+813 6479 5794

Business Owners & Executives

Running your own business can be both challenging and rewarding. We can help you with some of the most common things business owners need. If you own or run a business, you know how important it is to make informed decisions. In the meantime, you also have a business to run. Mulvey Beck is here to help you find the right financial strategies to meet your day-to-day financial needs and simplify your work and your life. Let us attend to the financial complexities so you can run your business.

Business owners and executives need professional advisors who provide tailored financial solutions to issues ranging from planning stock option exercise to raising capital to managing employee benefits. Here are some of the ways we help our clients:

Retirement Benefits: Your employees depend on your success for not just their income but to plan for their retirement. We have options to help them.

Cash Flow Management: Analyzing and modeling of revenues, expenses, and providing strategies to assess their financial impact on long-term goals.

Succession Planning: Risk management and financial strategies to protect your company in the event that a business owner or key employee retires, becomes disabled, or passes away.

Corporate Benefits: Advising clients about decisions relating to employee benefits, compensation, stock options, and related matters.

Exit Planning: Providing guidance to help business owners with the financial, personal and tax implications of selling their business.

Estate Planning: Should your business outlast you, estate planning ensures your heirs maximize their assets.

Insurance: Evaluating coverage to ensure that liquidity and other needs will be met for all contingencies.

Corporate Philanthropy: Advice on choosing an entity, governance, giving strategies (active vs. passive), and setting strategic priorities.

Risk Management: In addition to ensuring adequate insurance coverage, risk management includes liability protection, potential tax issues and other unexpected events.